
Head Start programs provide critical services to children and families across the state. The Oregon Head Start Association advocates before the Oregon legislature to secure critical funding to help programs operate in every county of the state.

How we approach advocacy

Each year, our team works with state agencies, and legislators to advocate and ensure that Head Start programs have what they need to successfully operate. As need continues to rise across the state, we are advocating for budget increases to support building more facilities and classroom space, hiring more staff, and working to offer services in parts of the state where there is a demonstrated need.  This vital work ensures that every low-income family, and their children have an opportunity to participate in a Head Start program.

Download our ADVOCACY TOOL KITcoming soon: 2025 legislative agenda

Join us
We cannot successfully advocate without YOU! Legislators want to hear from real people who benefit from Head Start services and who believe in the continued success of our programs. Sign up today to join us in Salem!
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